Monthly Archives: June 2013

“I Brought You Flowers”

This week… …I did a lot of writing.  Like, 7000+ words of a new story.  And I’m feeling really good about it.  Very summer, very dear to my heart.  I also did something I should have done a loooong time ago, which is compile a massive list of all my favorite names (regardless if they […]


I don’t think I’ll even be done worrying about my body.  I am so back-and-forth about my lifestyle choices, and it’s exhausting.  In the same 24 hour period I can be fine and then completely unhinged about my stomach, my love handles, and how thick my legs look when I’m this pale.  It’s a struggle […]

The Unattainable Coast

Sunday  Ethan, Simon and I drove down to Kincaid Park.  I had extremely high hopes for accessing the Turnagain Arm, the closest we could possibly be to the ocean…or waterfront.  But alas our efforts were squashed when we hiked a good way through forest and gnat clusters, tripping on roots systems and sweating in our […]