Monthly Archives: February 2014

Seeing Green

Blame my love for Downton Abbey, but Lady Mary’s walls this season have me craving green.  With red accents and antique wood furnishings.  A while back, when we were just beginning to think about home decor, Ethan suggested green–his favorite color– for our bedroom.  And I scoffed!  Because I immediately envisioned lime or chartreuse and completely […]

Redesign Inspiration

I’m going to state the obvious– I am not so great at CSS.  I’ve been squeezing in time in my evenings to work on my new design, and nothing is really panning out.  First it was the size of my new logo not fitting in the designated header height of my current layout.  Then it […]

The Collection Grows

So excited for this haul of vintage picture frames I splurged on from Etsy.  If you remember, I am quite fond of antique, heavy, detailed frames, and after eying these for a few weeks I went ahead and treated myself by purchasing them!  After all, I have so many photos just laying around, waiting to […]